Abia State Rolls Out ABSSIN Registration to for Social Benefits

The Abia State Government is giving every person in the state a special number called ABSSIN. The full meaning of ABSSIN is Abia State Social Identification Number. This number is for all people who live in Abia, whether they were born there or moved there.

The government is doing this so that they can have a list of all the people in the state. This list will help the government plan better and give help to the right people. With this number, the government will know who needs help and how to help them.

When you have an ABSSIN number, you can enjoy many benefits. You may get social welfare support, free or cheaper healthcare, scholarships for students, and other help from the government. This number helps make sure that people who need help get it.

Getting your ABSSIN number is easy. You do not need to go anywhere to register. The government has trained people called enumerators. These enumerators will come to your home, office, shop, market, motor park, school, church, or community to register you. They will collect your details and give you your ABSSIN number.

Everyone in Abia State must register for this number. It does not matter if you are a baby, a child, a young person, an adult, or an old person. Every single person should have an ABSSIN number.

The registration for ABSSIN is completely free. You do not have to pay any money to anyone. If someone asks you for money to register, do not give them anything. Instead, report them immediately. The government has made it clear that nobody should pay for this service.

If you do not want to wait for the enumerators, you can also register by yourself. Just go to the website abiapay.com. Follow the steps on the website to register and get your ABSSIN number. The process is very simple, and you can do it with a phone or a computer.

This ABSSIN number will help everyone in Abia State. It will make it easier for the government to provide services and take care of the people. When the government knows the number of people in the state and their needs, they can plan better and make life better for everyone.

If you register, you are helping yourself and also helping the government serve the people better. Do not delay. If the enumerators come to you, give them your details. If you prefer to register online, visit the website and do it quickly.

This is your chance to be part of the change. Let us work together to build a better Abia State. Do not wait. Register now and get your ABSSIN number today.

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